What’s new?

The latest news, updates, and changes to the Tele Health - SJ EMR system.



Release Update [31/8/2020 – 4/9/2020]


> Made patient profile feature live


> Made Medicine directory live
> Uploaded total of 158 pharmaceutical companies products
> Prescription Fields medicine names auto-fill completed and deployed to live


Release Update [3/8/2020 – 7/8/2020]

SJ EMR App: App is now live on Google Play Store.
URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sj_emr_patient_portal&hl=en

  • Prescription Fields medicine names auto-fill completed and deployed to staging
  • Super Admin can export the dashboard statistics in Excel and PdF format
  • Changed all SMS to Bengali as per BTRC instruction
  • Admin can edit/reschedule the future appointments

SJ EMR Migration to AWS: Successfully migrated SJEMR server to AWS


Release Update [20/7/2020 – 24/7/2020]

  • Medicine: Add Medicine type – deployed to dev
  • Medicine: Add Medicine – deployed to dev
  • Dashboard for super admin – deployed to live
  • Post-visit auto-reminder to a patient and doctor – deployed to live
  • New medicine type on prescription – Added
  • Appointment Feature with manual payment – deployed to dev
  • Next visit reminder – improved
  • Doctor: patient payment listing and status confirming – deployed to dev
  • Admin: patient payment listing and status confirming – deployed to dev
  • New Feature: Made live patient portal (mvp1)
Next week:
  • New Feature: Post visit appointment reminder: Both patient and doctor will get the appointment notification one hour prior to the https://emr.managedcoder.com/feature-details/conference via SMS and email
  • New Feature Patient portal: Existing patient will be able to login, logout and download prescription from the patient portal.
This Month:
  • New Feature Patient portal: Patient will be able to select a doctor and schedule and appointment with manual payment system
  • New Feature Super Admin: Dashboard for Super admin; will be able to see facility wise details data
  • New Feature Medicine Directory: Super admin will be able to add bulk medicine and based on access level doctors can get auto suggestions of the medicines while prescribing.
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